Working with Sister Lusmasg and Sister Caniban.
Michael working with Elder Paberan & Elder Balopeños
Awesome lesson with Jerome. When someone is keeping their commitment to read the Book of Mormon the spirit can work wonders.
I loved our visit with Sister Melanie. She was baptized on Saturday. We were able to teach her son & niece that afternoon. She bore a beautiful testimony of the blessing of baptism.
I also loved visiting with Heidi and her less active mother. It is a sweet experience to remind someone who has been away from the church for years to return and partake of the blessings. What I wasn't excited about was the 7 cats that joined the lesson...
Laundry day - everyday everywhere.
We love it when we get the chance to work with missionaries.
Mt. Arayat. We climbed the peak on the left - North Peak.
5.5 miles. 2601 elevation gain. It is an awesome hike! Steep and a beautiful trail. It is always good to get out in nature and think of what a beautiful world we are blessed to live in.
If only every Filipino would follow the advise of this sign found in the bathroom - there would be so much less trash everywhere we go.
The statue of Christ along the trail.
Baptism of brother Joshua in Cuyapo Branch. It was a beautiful day for a baptism.
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