Here is a young girl that we met on our bike ride today. Isn't she darling? She is what they call "Aeta". They are considered indigenous here in the Philippines. She is usually with her family selling vegetables in the water park parking lot. Thought you would love to see her smile!
The Philippines loves Jesus, and so do we!
Fun working in Mabalacat with Sister Peter and Sister Williams. I always learn so much from our missionaries. Riding in a jeepney is just an added bonus.
We had a visitor spend the night - former Elder Sinamban - now he is brother Woodie. I was able to give him aride to the Urdaneta temple where he met another of our former missionaries - sister Zabate - now sister Sarah.
Sarah Zabate's brother was married in the Urdaneta temple Saturday morning, and I just happened to be there. Oh what joy to run into a former Angeles Missionary that we love! It really is awesome when we meet the parents of our missionaries. I wish we could meet ALL of their parents.
We had a baptism in Birabira. A sweet mother that joined the church, following the example of her two sons.
It's great to visit with Elder Galo and Elder Walters. The drive to Birabira is always beautiful as well. Especially with all of the new rice growing.
Seek and expect miracles. President Nelson ends his talk this way:
"God lives! Jesus is the Christ! He lives! He loves and will help us."
I am grateful for God's living prophet President Nelson. I am grateful that we are bound to our Savior, Jesus Christ trough the covenants we have made.
We just finished a week of a wonderful mission tour with Elder and Sister Wong. Elder Wong is a Counselor in the Philippine Area Presidency.
Angeles and Mabalacat Zone Conference!
Camiling Zone & Service Missionaries
Paniqui and Santa Ignacia Zone Conference
Tarlac and Tarlac North Zone Conference
Don't all of our missionaries look great?!
W had a ramen dinner with Elder and Sister Wong. We loved the opportunity these past few days to visit with them and hear about their many assignments as mission leaders in the Vancouver BC Mission, an Area Authority in the Asia Area, and an Area Authority in the US. Also, it was so interesting to hear of growing up in Hong Kong, and joining the church in that country. This mission has given us many experiences that have widened our view of the world. We have gained a great insight in how dedicated our church leaders are. We have so much we can learn from other cultures and people.
Our two assistante, Elder Cortan and Elder Ellis with with Elder and Sister Wong. Elder Wong taught them about being exactly obedient.
I am reviewing the notes I took over the past few days - during the 4 zone conferences and then at the 3 working lunches we had with each of the 6 stakes plus mission councilors (Stake Presidents & wives, Stake Relief Society Presidents & husbands) plus I also wrote just some random thoughts and messages that impressed me - as I look at my journal (and it is a smaller journal) I think i have almost 20 pages! Of course during that same time Mariner Marcus Bingham was born! But - Wow! That is a lot to think about, pray about, and try and incorporate into my own life. (Feeling so grateful for a beautiful grandson, his parents and his family. Grateful for modern medicine. Grateful for technology. Grateful for the comforting power of the spirit. Grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ.)
One thing that Elder Wong said to a missionary was - "Do you think you know better than God? Do you think you can take better care of your family than God can?" I really love that message - it was a message for me. I saw on a jeepney today - In God We Trust. If there is one thing I have learned the past 16 months it is that We can trust God. I will trust God.
Here is another Elder Wong quote - "You thought you were coming to bless the people here in the Philippines, but the Lord is really blessing you." He shared the verses about the unprofitable servant in Mosiah 2.
He stressed a sense of urgency - we need to be prepared for the Savior to return. He said to move quickly, that seconds count. He urged us to really study President Nelson's recent conference address. "As you become a true disciple of Jesus Christ you will be a ready when the Savior comes." He emphasized to the missionaries - DO NOT WASTE TIME.
I loved when he shared about using the priesthood power to rescue our families - our children. We gain that power as we participate in temple ordinances. it is available in no other way. "I want my children to know that if the Lord asks me to do something, my only answer is yes. I chose the Savior. This is real. This is it. This is the end game."
Elder Wong shared the parable of the 5 wise virgins. They had their lamps trimmed and their lamps were full of oil. We need to do the same - be prepared. Repent joyfully, daily.
"Act in faith - you will see miracles." "Be good." "We need you. " "Work harder every day."
"You missionaries are the message. Be wise. You were foreordained for this time to be here on the earth". "We are the only church with the keys. We are the only ones tho can open the door for others."
Smile - this is a gospel of Joy (thank you Elder Keanon for the recent GC address.). "The more you focus on the gospel of Jesus Christ the happier you will be."
One more thing Elder Wong shared to us: "Wear your temple garments all the time - it is critically important for your future." As I pondered on how he shared this message a couple of times, it made me wonder what the second coming will really be like. I know that the whole earth will be in commotion. The spirit impressed upon me how important it will be for each of us to be wearing our garments at all times.
Anyway - Elder Wong is an example of ministering in a Christlike way. I am so grateful for the many examples we have of Christlike people in my life.
Welcome to the Mission Sister Tupou from Tonga!
Welcome to the mission Elder Makambaya from Zimbabwe!
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