March 10th: Email from President Bingham to Missionaries

 Here is the message your dad put together for our missionaries this morning.  We are inviting them to read the talk that Elder Andersen gave in April in preparation for our upcoming Zone Conference this week, and next.  I love this talk and we hope you enjoy the message.

love, MOM

Sisters and Elders:  In preparation for this upcoming Easter season, I would invite each missionary to ponder on her or his personal conversion and relationship with Jesus Christ.  As expressed by Elder Neil L. Andersen in his April 2023 general conference address:  

Remember, you are a spirit child of Heavenly Father. As the Apostle Paul explains, we are “the offspring of God.”14 You have lived with your own individual identity long before coming to earth. Our Father created a perfect plan for us to come to earth, learn, and return to Him. He sent His Beloved Son that through the power of His infinite Atonement and Resurrection, we live beyond the grave; and as we are willing to exercise faith in Him and repent of our sins, we are forgiven and receive the hope of eternal life.

As we review our weekly covenants with the Savior during the Sacrament each Sabbath day, we promise to always remember Him.  Elder Andersen said that:

...all our thoughts are circumscribed in His love, His life and teachings, and His atoning sacrifice and glorious Resurrection. Jesus is never in a forgotten corner, because our thoughts of Him are always present and “all that is in [us adores] him!” We pray and rehearse in our mind experiences that have brought us closer to Him. We welcome into our mind divine images, holy scriptures, and inspired hymns to gently cushion the countless daily thoughts rushing through our busy lives. Our love for Him does not shield us from the sadness and sorrow in this mortal life, but it allows us to walk through the challenges with a strength far beyond our own.

Sisters and Elders.  We truly can remember Him always.  We do not need to walk alone.  HIs spirit, influence, comfort, and peace can always be with us.  May each of us sincerely seek this Jesus, of whom the prophets and apostles have written and testified.  I appreciate and love Him, and I appreciate and love you!   ----Pres & Sister Bingham


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