Email from President Bingham to Elder Jacob Bingham (His Son): Feb 12th

 Hola Jacob:  I am finally finding some time or making some time to send you a few lines.  In our experience here, I have found that there are lots of fairly good missionaries, a few that leave a lot to be desired, and a few outstanding ones.  I have found that those who are the latter group are those who are truly focused on their missionary purpose, understand and really use PMG2, and are well along in their personal conversion as life-long disciples of Jesus Christ.  Certainly there are other factors that play in as well.  Anyways, being here in this calling has really made me appreciate how crucial that top tier of missionaries is to the success of the mission in bringing others to Christ, but also in helping other missionaries catch the vision of what and who they can become.  It makes me realize and appreciate the fact that you are that type of missionary.  I really respect and admire you for the type of missionary and young mission leader that you are.  I am so grateful and proud of you.  I know how helpful and appreciated you must be to the Stakers.  Thanks for being all in, as we like to tell some of our missionaries.  I know you are a great blessing to others.  

I sure love you, appreciate you, and really do miss you.  I can't believe you'll be back home and fishing in a few months.  It makes me a little envious, as I know you'll get a few really nice backpacking trips in, at least in Utah, and then down in southern Utah this coming fall.  you deserve it!  Love, Dad


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