P-day email (I guess you could call today a p-day)
October 30, 2023
No sense going on about how quickly time is passing and how I cannot believe that we have been here for 4 months now.
When I look at myself and the personal growth that I have experienced, I can hardly believe it. Here I am sixty years old and the past 6 weeks have stretched me in ways I would have never imagined possible. It truly is a confirmation that prayer works. Our Heavenly Father hears our prayers. He hears the prayers of the millions of the members of this church that pray for the missionaries in the world daily. He hears the prayers of the parents of our 195 missionaries. I know they are praying for their sons and their daughters. He hears the prayers of our missionaries. It always touches my heart when I hear our missionaries pray for us as their mission leaders. And oh boy, our missionaries know how to pray! My Heavenly Father has heard my personal prayers as I have poured out my feelings, my fears and my needs to Him.
I know that the Savior, Jesus Christ lives. I have felt Him so close to me. The other night I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and I tried to really picture my Savior. I thought about His life and the atonement. It brought me great peace in a time that I could have been worked up and anxious. This morning I just reminded myself to - Always remember Him, so that I can have His Spirit to be with me.
I have come to realize the power of priesthood keys. I have watched as those keys have been used in this mission. The power of the priesthood is real. When I witness Michael as he serves as the Priesthood leader for these almost 200 missionaries it is truly amazing. How grateful I am for the restoration of the priesthood. God’s power is upon the earth at this time. Because of the gift of the Holy Ghost, the words of our dear prophet and those that serve with him penetrate deep into my heart as I listen and study.
Ok - that wasn’t really how I was going to start my journal entry. So anyway…
Today was Monday. (October 30, 2023). That means emails from missionaries to President Bingham, so he is busy reading 194 of them. It does give me a little extra time to do some things that just need to be done! Like ironing. I pulled out an old iron and found a board and hit a few spots on some of my dresses that needed it. I put all of the old dark bananas in the freezer for smoothies. I went for a short walk, a short bike ride and also did a YouTube exercise video - whew. I packed up most of the lunch items for our picnic tomorrow with the departing missionaries, including making a banana cake. I made dinner - pork chops, potatoes and vegetables (almost like home). I drove to the MerryMart in Tarlac to buy groceries - it was a beautiful day and as I drove out of our subdivision down Lusita Road under those beautiful green trees listening to music on the gospel library app I just felt overwhelmingly happy. It was a good day.
We have been through the 6-week transfer cycle 3 times now. There are still some things we are slowly changing and tweaking, but overall I think we are becoming somewhat comfortable with the running of the mission. Will we ever be completely comfortable? I am not sure.
Here are a few random thoughts -
The transfer board. Seeking revelation is hard work. As we begin the process it seems exciting to think about change and the possibilities of growth and new experiences, but as time goes on it can feel overwhelming - as we look at the faces of each of our missionaries and know that the decisions that are made affect them so personally. Pres. Bingham has the ultimate responsibility - whew. I am not sure if the way we announce the transfers is the best either. We do it on Zoom. Maybe we should just have the young mission leaders quietly let everyone know about the changes. It is something to think about.
President Bingham interviews each of the missionaries every transfer. While he is interviewing I get to visit with the companions. It is a wonderful opportunity for me to spend time usually one on one with missionaries. I love that about the mission. We love each of these missionaries so much and to get to spend a little personal time is wonderful. I wish I had more of an opportunity to serve with each missionary. We do a lot of driving around the mission as there are needs of missionaries that need to be addressed.
We made it through our first mission tour with Sister & Elder Choi. It was a privilege to have them both here with us in the mission home, even though it was stressful making sure all went well with the tour. We learned so much. Thinking about the tour makes me really look forward to our next round of Zone Conferences. Being with the missionaries is the very B-E-S-T part of what we do here.
We love visiting different wards on Sundays. The members in the Philippines are so kind and welcoming. It sometimes breaks my heart when I see circumstances I would love to change. That is when I take a minute and offer a silent prayer to Heavenly Father that He will send the blessings I cannot begin to provide.
Welcoming new missionaries into our mission is a great opportunity to reflect on how awesome this mission really is. We have wonderful missionaries who want to do good and be good. We love to have missionaries share their miracles. In this mission, miracles start at 6:30 AM and go all day long.
Yesterday on our way to Cutud Branch we passed a young boy standing near the road in a white shirt and tie. We stopped and asked if he needed a ride to church. His name is Clarence. We gave him a ride. We visited with him about his desire to serve a mission. He received the Melchizedek Priesthood yesterday. It was the first time he has ever worn a white shirt and tie. We just happened to be driving by and saw him. We felt uplifted and blessed just by spending time with him.
This is a beautiful country. I still get amazed when I see construction workers and farmers wearing flip-flops and when I see young children and babies riding with their parents on motorcycles with no helmets. I can’t get over the way caribou are used to plow fields and as transportation. The clouds and the sunsets are amazing - but that is really how it is all over the world right? The sun continues to rise and I continue to see the Lord’s hand in all the world around me.
How can reading the Book of Mormon continue to bring the spirit into my life? It is a tool of our Heavenly Father to bless our lives. I am finding that to continue to be true and I love when our missionaries see that as well.
We have plenty of good food to eat! S&R is a blessing to M&I. There are the best tarones (a deep fried banana wrapped in a wrapper and fried for 5 pesos) in Santa Ignacia.
We love being at baptisms and meeting people and visiting with our missionaries. This work is the greatest work on earth.
Hearing about what is happening in the lives of our family is always a highlight of our day! We are so blessed.
Sorry this is random. That is the way my brain functions. It’s just who I am.
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