November 7th: Email from Sister Bingham


I didn't really get this finished but I better just get it sent because we have a very busy couple of days coming up. We LOVE you! 🥰 Thinking of each of YOU makes me excited for this work. I am "leaning" towards the Savior and not my own understanding! I have to do that all the time! every single day! It works. When we "lean" towards Him, the Savior Jesus Christ, somehow the "mysteries of God" bring peace to my soul. It works!!! the gospel plan works. Trust the Lord & lean not unto your OWN understanding. Hug our grandchildren so tigh today!


Tuesday November 7, 2023

What a past couple of weeks.  There is something so energizing and fun as the transfer happens and many missionaries are reassigned to different locations and to different companions.  The Lord is in the details and when each of our missionaries truly trust the Lord - miracles happen.  Good information plus inspiration can lead to miracles.  I like being at the mission office as the transportation vans pull in loaded with missionaries heading to new parts of our mission.  The missionaries come with their bags packed and excitement in their faces.  There are some missionaries that experience a feeling of disappointment as they return to previous zones or leave behind beloved people.  One thing about a mission is that things are always changing.  Change can bring growth.  I have seen that as we have had to adapt to many changing circumstances.

Sister Salvan and her brand new missionary companion attended a baptism last week.   Sister Salvan hugged and cried with the baptismal candidate.  It was a powerful testimony to me of the love that occurs between missionaries and those people that are taught as our missionaries share the message of our Savior Jesus Christ. The ordinance of baptism is such a wonderful symbolic representation of being clean, a rebirth, a new start.  There is a spirit that is so strong as ordinances of the gospel are performed and covenants are made. 

On Sunday, we attended the sacrament meeting in the Capas Ward.  It is a wonderful ward filled with wonderful people.  I love when I get to interact with the members.  There are times when I meet someone and they just get going speaking Tagalog and I try and listen carefully…but oh my!  So many of the dear sisters want to have their picture taken with me.  It cracks me up, because you know - I’m pretty much a regular old person.  One sister hugged me and told me that I was her best friend.  I am inspired as I hear stories of the great faith of the Filipino people.  I know that life is not easy here, but they seem to be content with things.  I love how President Nelson put it recently - “The answers to life’s difficulties are always found in the life and teachings of the Savior Jesus Christ.”

Because of the dates with the Filipino My Plan we had 8 (should have been 9 but Elder Orogo went home earlier because of the passing of his grandmother) missionaries that had 5 extra days in the mission after the transfer occurred.  We decided to load them up in the mission van and drive out to the Monasterio Tarlac.  I love that giant statue of the Savior.  I loved seeing the sunlight shine behind Him.  He is the Light of the World.  Emmanuel or God with Us.  He is our Redeemer, Our Savior, Lord God Omnipotent, King of Kings, my Friend.  He had a good time with these departing missionaries.  They are all good missionaries.  We had some good discussions with them.  We enjoyed a picnic breakfast and lunch at the mission home.  

It was a great group of 6 Elders and 2 Sisters.  We enjoyed visiting with each of them.  They are inspiring.  The sisters have served faithfully for 18 months.  Sister Havea served 9 months of her mission in Tonga.  She was called up and asked to serve in the Philippines Angeles Mission.  I can see her faith.  She has learned to speak not only Tagalog but also English.  Her last message to me was - “I will see you when you visit me in Tonga.”  Sister Valenzuela shared her background - when she joined the church her parents told her they would kill her.  But as Sister V served the heart of her father has softened - he was baptized last Christmas. 

The 6 Elders came in such a variety.  A couple of them that are so strong including Elder Rosaroso and Elder Sumiran.  Those two have so many questions about life after the mission.  I think Elder Ramizares is just so amazing - he joined the church at age 14.  Elder Palado was his actual fellow-shipper, from the same ward.  As he has served in this mission his mother has joined the church.   He has such faith that his family will all join the church and be sealed in the temple. It is so heart-warming.  Then there is Elder Fuentes and Elder Briones…

Saying good-by to those 8 was just SAD.  I cried right along with them.  I think they are apprehensive to return home.  Sister Havea headed to Tonga, but the rest are all Filiapinos and drove off in the vans and went to My Plan in Tanay.  Oh my heart!  We love them and then they return home and get on with their lives!

We are getting used to the whole Zoom thing.  Friday we did what they call “short training”.  Like I probably already told you - it lasts an hour so I am not sure why they call it “short training”.  The focus of this was on Finding People to Teach - chapter 9 of PMG2.  I think it went well and we had good positive feedback.  I like seeing the faces of our missionaries as we talk.  I also appreciate the feedback we receive, especially when the information was helpful to missionaries and their purpose of inviting others to Jesus Christ.   We also did district leader training on Zoom this past week.  I wish we could do that in person, but transportation in our mission is very difficult.  It takes hours to all come to the central location of Tarlac to meet.  Plus with the district leaders, there is always the question of what do we do with their companions while we do training?  So I guess we count Zoom calls as a blessing and a wonderful instrument that we have to communicate with our mission.

We had dinner with some senior couples at the SM in Tarlac (that stands for Super Mall) at a Korean BBQ.  What a mall!  Christmas lights and all.  It feels so different than any place else in this mission.

I am always touched when I hear people pray specifically for the Mission Leaders in our mission. (That’s us BTW)  I know that those prayers are heard and answered.  Thank you for your prayers.  I know there are millions of prayers offered every day for the missionaries.  That is comforting and reassuring.  

We give thanks every day for the opportunity to serve!  We have such a desire to do our very best.  In a lot of ways we are lacking.  But our commitment is - “All In”.  We love and appreciate our family more than we ever thought possible.  


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