August 13-16th Photos
Santa Ignacia stake conference. What do you think of our corsages? They even had real flowers this time!
One of the elders from the stateS asked me why I was wearing it. I told him I don’t really know. But everyone who spoke at Stake conference was wearing one.
Stake Coordination meeting with the Mabalacat Stake. President Dulay. Elder Hatch, Elder Jusay, Sister Gandiola, Sister Arnold.
Stake Coordination meeting with the Angeles Stake (after the meeting). Sister Fifita, Sister Llamado, Elder Sumiran, Elder Pobleto.
We bought this interesting fruit today at a roadside fruit stand. I can’t remember what it is called. It’s pretty good. It does have a large seed in the middle though.
And a pineapple! I like the way they already peeled it for us! I enjoyed it with my lunch!
Tried Max Mango - it was a disappointment because they didn’t have mangos… but M enjoyed his caramel milkshake - next time he will order one without the added cheese!
P-day with Camiling zone playing games including 9-square
Elder Fuentes & Elder Llamado’s apartment or house in the country! It was a beautiful morning!
Does this picture even look real? We had quite an adventure today! We love serving! We are also exhausted - the to do list is longer than the can do reality!
They had to eat one cookie a specific way following exact rules & then they were able to eat the second cookie anyway they wanted to. It was a message on a higher holier way. More principle based & less rule based. I hope our mission is ready for it.
District Leader training meeting! Don’t those District Leaders look good? Our missionaries have the best haircuts!
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