July 24, 2023: My life just feels very rich and full at this time!

 I'm just finishing up a review of Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ, sections in PMG (what an inspired book!  Its use of the scriptures is incredible!  What a blessing to each and every missionary serving throughout this world.).   Also the  Handbook for Mission Leaders:  A Guide to Becoming, Serving and Leading as Disciples of Jesus Christ.  We have been here just over 3 weeks now and we still have so many questions about how things are being done and exactly how they should be done - what we'd like to see happen, but mostly what we feel the Lord needs to be happening.  It's really a juggling act of study, administration as well as such a wonderful opportunity to minister - to not only our missionaries, but to the members that live in our mission as well as hundreds of thousands of people who also live in our mission.   Plus - we want to stay connected with our dear precious family!  I think I feel more love than I ever have!  I am experiencing  so many tender feelings for EACH of our sons and daughters, our in-law children and grandchildren!  We have a large family picture hanging near the kitchen and a bulletin board full of photos in our bedroom!  We are so proud of our family!  WE LOVE EACH OF YOU MORE THAN EVER!!!!  We have been blessed with an immense love for each of our 180 missionaries.  It's really incredible as we interact with our missionaries (I'm so glad that we can call them OUR missionaries!)  We have met some of the most wonderful people!  Sometimes I have to just pinch myself to make sure it's really just me having this experience!  

We took the 9 square to a zone activity.  I think most of the missionaries really liked it!  I thought it was fun.  We set it up inside their cultural hall.  There is tile flooring.  It was just too hot outside!

There was (I say WAS) a small lizard that was living in the kitchen sink - its life came to an end when he took a trip too near the garbage disposal! 

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We had the roof of our house repaired because it was leaking.  The cause of the leak was a stray golf ball that l landed on our roof in such a way as to cause a hole... I wouldn't have believed it if not for the pictures and the actual golf ball that was recovered from the hole in the roof.

We visited 3 different wards with missionaries on Sunday.  Maybe I really shouldn't admit this but I seem to be able to feel the spirit more strongly when I'm sitting in a chapel that has the air-con on as opposed to a chapel that doesn't have air-con - especially when it is soooo hot!  At one point in one meeting it felt like we were having a sacrament meeting in a steam room.  I guess all that sweating is getting my pores cleaned out!  I'm sure I will get used to it....  We did see one interesting thing here in the Philippines that we have never before witnessed at home.  In one ward it happened to be the bishop's birthday.  After we finished singing the closing hymn the congregation sang him happy birthday and then his wife came up onto the stand and handed him a beautiful cake!  I talked to her after and she was pleased with the surprise!  It surprised me & the Prez as well!

We had a sick missionary on Sunday and we stopped by his apartment and gave him what lunch we had brought along for the day.  He's from Utah I think - the things he loved the most was the frozen water bottle and the cheetos! (thanks S&R) 

Our drive to FSY

FSY!!!  How do I even explain how much fun we had speaking with 500 youth from the Paniqui Stake & Camiling Stake!  We've never had quite an experience like that one! We got the FIP treatment before speaking and were presented a ribbon banner to wear for the day.  After we were done speaking they presented us with a picture that someone had made of us on bikes!  Wow!  Was that creative!  They took our picture of us holding the picture!  Then - we were swarmed with youth wanting to take pictures and actually asking for our autographs... hahaha.  Hilarious.  President Steve Lund, the General YM President, from UT just happened to be at that particular FSY - out in the middle of nowhere Philippines!  What a treat!  It was an adventure driving out to the Crystal Waves resort - the facility where FSY was held.  We love the country and the small towns, barangay that we get to visit.

We went to baptisms on Thursday, Friday & Saturday.  Each one had its own sweet spirit.  What a treat for us!  What an event for our missionaries and what a blessing the newly baptized members are receiving as they begin their journey on the covenant path!  Those baptisms are true highlights for us.

Baptism of Aaliyah Macapagal. The missionaries found her mom, a less active of 20 years. It’s so awesome to see this family coming back. There were many sweet tears of joy as we witnessed this baptism. Elder Apayart, Elder Black, Sister Lauga, Sister Babida.❤️❤️❤️❤️

We did our first "short Training" for the entire mission over zoom.  That was a bit nerve wracking... but we survived!  We do these short training sessions on weeks where there are no transfers, MLC or Zone Conference.  It lasted an hour - so why do they call it SHORT?  We got a lot of positive feedback as we tried to teach our missionaries about the joy of serving.  It is HARD.  In fact, I'm just amazed at how well the majority of our missionaries are doing!  

We had a really nice visit with Elder Revillo and his wife Sister Revillo.  They joined us for a quick lunch here at the mission home.  I made chicken soup and chocolate chip cookies.  Sister Connie had cut fruit for us to enjoy.  I am thankful for the opportunity to get to know and work with so many amazing people who are dedicated servants of the Lord.  Every ward or every baptism we visit we are meeting wonderful church members - so faithful!  The Filipino people are happy and faithful!  We are learning so much from them.

The training we had on PMG app was so helpful!  We really need more hands-on training when it comes to so many things here.  Saturday night we had an incredible lightning storm!  It lasted for hours.  It rained - poured really.  The power went out for a while and our internet hasn't been the same... I am really hoping that they can get it fixed and running soon!  A couple of people have told me - "It's not like the internet in the states..."

Saturday evening was our dinner with all of the six Stake Presidents and their wives at the mission home.  Thank goodness for Sister Connie and her sister.  They made the food.  I made dessert - well how hard is brownies and icecream?  It was really awesome getting to know these incredible couples.  We asked some questions after dinner and we truly loved getting to know them.  I am looking forward to our relationship with these couples.  They are impressive people, kind and happy as well.

The clouds have been amazingly beautiful!  I have done a few bike rides with M in the neighborhood as well as a walk or two.  It's really nice when we have time in the morning to get out!  What a blessing!

I treasure the photos and the messages we get from each of our children!  And I have also been blessed to hear from some dear friends at home.  We are so blessed.

My life just feels very rich and full at this time!




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